A feature in DanceBUG enables competitions to upload and deliver their scores via DanceBUG.com. Not every competition uses this feature. Some competitions prefer to email scores to studios or use alternative delivery methods. For information on how your scores will be delivered, it may be best to speak to your competition directly.
Accessing Scores on DanceBUG
If your competition plans on posting your scores on DanceBUG, they can be accessed from within your account. If you have multiple DanceBUG accounts, be sure to log in as the correct studio or independent account.
- Go to www.DanceBUG.com & login
- Click "See Registration / Scores". This will open up a new page.
- Under the event information banner, click on "View Scores".
- Scores will be displayed in HTML format. You can get the report in PDF by clicking on the "Download PDF" button. You can also print this to save your scores.
Scores are only issued to the account that managed the event's registration.
Having trouble? Reach out to our support team by clicking on the HELP button. Be sure to include your studio name, competition brand, competition location, and dates.