If your video files are too big to be easily uploaded, you will have to use video editing software to convert the file to a more usable format.
Any video editor can do this but the one we will cover in this article is Handbrake, a free video transcoder.
Once you download and install Handbrake, open it up!
From here, select a single file OR select the folder holding video files that need to be converted.
If you do not see the file selection screen, click "OPEN SOURCE" found in the upper-left-hand corner.
Under "Preset" select FAST 1080p30.
Under "Summary" select MP4, Web Optimized, Align A/V Start
At the bottom of the screen, check the path where you would want the NEW converted file to be saved.
Go to the "VIDEO" tab
Under Framerate (FPS), select 30.
Select Constant Frame Rate.
Now to start, the conversion locate the green play button near the top of your window
It will take some time to convert your video files to the right format. Once the conversion is finished, the file will be located in the path you previously set.
Ready to upload to DanceBUG? Here's a guide on how to upload the videos.