Once you have entered your routine information, you will be given the option to upload your entry video.
Upload Video
Select UPLOAD, and then select the video file from your computer.
Hit SUBMIT to save.
Select Video
In some cases, routines previously recorded by DanceBUG can be selected for the event. If so, the routine would be automatically loaded. If you wish to use your own video instead, upload the new file, then click on "SELECT THIS VIDEO FOR EVENT". Selected videos will have a BLUE button. Unselected videos will have a PURPLE button.
Errors in Uploading
If you notice that the uploading is taking a long time or you cannot playback the video, you will have to check the files
- make sure the video file is in the right format (mov or mp4)
- check that the file is not bigger than 2 GB (2 GB is the maximum)
- convert the file to a different resolution (Click here for instructions)
Still having trouble? Reach us by phone, chat, or email.